Rosicrucian Writings Online

Cathedral Contacts

[From The Rosicrucian Digest July 1939]
The "Cathedral of the Soul" is a Cosmic meeting place for all minds of the most highly developed and spiritually advanced members and workers of the Rosicrucian Fraternity. It is a focal point of Cosmic radiations and thought waves from which radiate vibrations of health, peace, happiness, and inner awakening. Various periods of the day are set aside when many thousands of minds are attuned with the Cathedral of the Soul, and others attuning with the Cathedral at this time will receive the benefit of the vibrations. Those who are not members of the organization may share in the unusual benefits as well as those who are members. The book called "Liber 777" describes the periods for various contacts with the Cathedral. Copies will be sent to persons who are not members if they address their requests for this book to Friar S. P. C., care of AMORC Temple, San Jose, California, enclosing three cents in postage stamps. (Please state whether member or not--this is important.)


IN OUR modern training there is quite definitely impressed upon the most of us the necessity of building in order to have something in reserve. Early in life most of us receive encouragement to save money, and the word reserve has come to be connected with finances.
We are encouraged to have money in various forms, in actual cash or through wise investments in order to have something available in an emergency or toward making for security at an age when we may no longer be able to earn. Such an attitude toward saving has led many people to devote a great deal of their effort toward the accumulation of funds out of their earnings even to the extent where they deprive themselves of things which are needed because saving to build a reserve has become almost an obsession with them.
Saving or the building of a reserve, however, is not, even in our everyday lives, confined to money. We are taught to create reserves in our bodies by proper living and eating in order that an additional reserve of energy and vitality is available to fight against the possible encroachment of disease. In other phases of our everyday life we also make it a point to see that certain supplies are in reserve. Few owners of an automobile would drive far without an extra tire or start across a country where provisions would probably be scarce without taking extra fuel, oil, and water. All these illustrations go to show the importance in our lives of arranging to see that a reserve of various things which we use and depend upon is available to us in case the immediate supply is exhausted.
To analyze the problem from a broader point of view, we might ask the question: what step follows in case the reserves themselves are lost? Many people in directing their time and efforts toward the accumulation of a reserve of anything in the form of savings have so built their lives around the acquisition of funds and the intended use of them, that when the unexpected occurs, as in the case of financial panics when even the safest and most conservative forms of investments are endangered, these individuals find that they have no reserve beyond money, nothing to take the place of this material thing. If the accumulation of this reserve has become so important that it overshadows all of our lives, then we have had very little time to work toward the accumulation of any other reserve upon which we may fall back for support in a time when it is needed.
The human being is quite able to adjust himself to various circumstances, but the adjustment must be both physiological and psychological. We must train ourselves to be able to make either adjustment, that is, the building of vitality and health will lessen the possibility of our being bound by illness and disease, but unless at the same time while we have been increasing our physical vitality and resistance we have also developed mental attitudes that give us a reserve in sound judgment, the ability to make decisions, and depth of convictions in our ideals which will add assurance and determination to our efforts and activities; we will find that in cases of an emergency when health may be gone, when our savings are lost, when we are deprived of things we love, that we have nothing upon which to stand. It is important that in addition to the very good habit of saving, and the accumulation of reserve which we may have, that we also devote a part of our time to the consideration of those reserves which are not dependent entirely upon changeable economic and material factors for their existence, but which produce peace, forethought and wisdom in our own minds and establish for us those intangible qualities which we have as reserves regardless of what may be ahead of us.
The purpose of all teaching which tends to develop the inner man, or the soul as you may choose to call it, is to assist in bringing about a balanced development so that an individual life will not base all its dependence upon a physical changing thing. To exemplify these ideals, and to be a place in which we may approach the consideration of our immaterial reserves, The Cathedral of the Soul was conceived and is perpetuated for those who may wish to stop in their daily activities and give a few moments' consideration to the accumulation of those reserves which lead to true happiness and peace of mind. Regardless of where you may be or what you are doing, you are privileged to participate in these activities, and if you feel that you could well devote a few minutes each day or each week toward the establishing of a reserve in terms of future happiness, then we invite you to request, from us, a copy of the book entitled "Liber 777" which explains in more detail the purposes of this Cathedral of the Soul.
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I have told you of the man who always put on his spectacles when about to eat cherries, in order that the fruit might look larger and more tempting. In like manner I always make the most of my enjoyments, and, though I do not cast my eyes away from troubles, I pack them into as small a compass as I can for myself, and never let them annoy others.--Robert Southey.

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