Rosicrucian Writings Online


By A Student of AMORC
[From The Mystic Triangle April 1929]
AFTER the fire department had put out the blaze, which it had been called to fight early that winter morning, in a warehouse that sat close to the docks along a busy waterfront, the fire chief and his assistants were searching about the ruins, trying to determine the cause of the conflagration. In their search, they came across a dozen or more blue glass hand grenades, that hung on the wall intact, close to the place where the fire had broke out. These grenades were of the round-bottomed type, filled with a chemical fire extinguishing fluid, tightly corked and sealed, and ready for instant use. The firemen wondered that the night watchman had not thought to use them, thereby saving much damage. The chief decided to question the man about the matter.
"You say that you were within a few feet of this place when the fire first broke out?" asked the chief.
"Yis, sor, I was standin' right there," replied the watchman, indicating a position not over five feet away from the wall where the extinguishers were hung in a row.
"Well then, my man, why didn't you use one of these? Don't you know what these are intended for?" and the chief held one of the bottles, filled with chemicals, in his hand before the gaze of the watchman, as he spoke.
"I'm not so dumb, sure I know what thim are, thim's extinguishers."
"Well, then, why didn't you use it?" angrily, asked the chief.
"That's jest what I was goin' to do, sor, but I couldn't find a corkscrew to open thim wid," innocently, the man replied.
Now, let us turn to page 153, of the "Rosicrucian Manual." Under the title, "Previous Occult Studies," we find a very interesting statement; let us read a few lines together. It is the last sentence of this report that we shall take as the theme of this article. It is: "They came into AMORC because they had not found the light they sought."
First, let us strike an average. We find that an estimated average of seventy-two and two-thirds per cent of the entire membership have had previous acquaintance with the occult and metaphysical sciences. This leaves, then, but twenty-seven per cent, who came to our Order without any understanding of the work or any realization of what the work might consist of--just twenty-seven of every hundred members, who have gained admission into AMORC. It would seem, therefore, that the majority of the members of AMORC had some inkling of what they were to expect when they joined the Order, and had, perhaps, a more or less vague idea as to what they would be called upon to do, or to learn. It is a fact, that an unsettled, unsatisfied, disturbed condition, in a more or less degree, has been their reason for investigating the Rosicrucian Order.
Not so long ago an elderly brother said, "I have been searching forty years. I have tried every organization with which I could make contact, and have studied them all; but the AMORC has done more for me, taught me more truths, advanced me further, and brought more real happiness into my life than all the rest combined." This Brother knew what he was talking about. He is not a young man any longer, in appearance; but you would have been surprised if you could but see him as we saw him, and noted the silver in his hair, the texture of his skin, and above all the gleam in his eyes as he talked. Here was a man with the snows of many winters upon his head, but in his heart there was the self same glow of ruddy, healthy youth. His eyes shone with the fire of ambition, and the interested gaze upon all that went on about him. His voice was steady and musical, his touch, as we shook his hand, was firm. There was not a muscle of his body but what cried out strength and vigor, and, although we should judge him to have been at least sixty years old, he had the spryness and the grace of a man of forty years younger. This is the portrayal of one of our Brothers, whom we had occasion to meet, recently. One does not go down the highways and the byways and find many men like him, at his age. Notice, as you pass along the way, the picture that most people of his age present; we feel that this will suffice to answer the question, "Why?"
How many poor, unfortunate humans are there, who are running all over the face of this world, in which we find ourselves confined, searching here and there; never content, never standing still? Some of them are almost frantic, in their endeavors to learn the truth, while others despair of ever learning it; but the most restless, unsettled, are boiling over inside, as it were, eager, anxious, and earnestly trying to find the light, and unto them no light is given. They try first this and then that theory, dogma, creed, or teaching, and in the end they find themselves just where they started from. Such persons have actually run around in a circle, looking for "corkscrews," in order to put out the "fire" that is raging within. They find it not, and it would seemingly be just and right to warn such persons that ere they do find the "corkscrew" the structure that is burning shall have been consumed, gone up in smoke.
It is not with any feeling of pleasure that we, as Rosicrucians, stand aloft and see these futile endeavors, on the part of our fellowmen, which sometimes sap at the very roots of one of our most worthy and well-deserving friends, see the look of helplessness that is in their eyes, and hear their prayers for light, more light. Almost within the very warmth of our breath are such persons as these, amongst whom we find relatives, friends, and daily associates, we touch elbows with them, smile into their eyes, and converse with them, hour after hour at times. Little do we often see, and seldom do we realize, what lies deeply hidden within their innermost thought, the seat of their most cherished desires, and the efforts that they are making, perhaps silently, in their search for the truth. They have nowhere found relief; for they see not the light; their eyes are unable, unassisted to find it, for them it shineth not.
What of our duty? What of our service to our fellowmen? What of our pledge to help, aid, and assist? These unsatisfied persons do not remain far from our field of vision, nor do they all roam about in some sphere separated and apart from ourselves, where it requires an effort to reach them. This is the Aquarian Age, the mental age, the age when men are doing most of their real thinking for themselves. How many of us really appreciate this fact. No special endeavor is required to bring these seekers into our consciousness; let us pluck of the roses along the path, and freely hand them out, ere they lose their beauty, or the fragrance of their perfume, and lie withered, dead, gone to waste within the hollow of our own hand. Freely we have received, freely we must give.

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