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Manifestation of Our
Desires[From The Mystic Triangle March 1929] The whistle of the city-bound local is heard in the distance, Brown jumps to his feet as if suddenly shot, and gulps down his cup of coffee, it's all he has time to hurriedly swallow. He puts on his hat and coat as he rushes around the house, and then, as always, somewhat sorry for the way that he has acted, he goes over to kiss his wife goodbye, but she allows him to kiss the top of her head--only. Hastily he dives into his pocket and draws forth a well-filled wallet, from which he quickly extracts two one hundred dollar bills, which he places upon the table before Mrs. Brown; he rushes out the front door, which he loudly slams after himself, and breaks into a run for the railroad station. The bell rings, the whistle blows, and Mrs. Brown clutches the money to her bosom as she breaks into a peal of loud, hearty laughter. Curtain. This little dramatic episode might, perhaps, illustrate one method of getting the things that one wants; but we notice that there are a few important things which seem to stand out as particular features in the sketch. The first is the fact that Mr. Brown had the two hundred dollars, and Mrs. Brown well knew this. The other is the point that Mr. Brown having said, "No," so emphatically, could by the use of a few tears be induced to "loosen up," and was not near as "hard" as he imagined himself to be. At times we all desire to have things, it is natural, and perhaps we, too, might have a system like Mrs. Brown had, or a method equally as good, or subterfuge in order to gain our desires; and again, perhaps we have nothing of the sort or kind, but are obliged to rely upon ourselves, or entirely upon Divine benevolence and our prayers for anything that we particularly want. A widow, having her own home, which she shared with two young daughters, desired to procure a new automobile. The one that she had was old and about worn out; it would cost much to repair it, and then still it would be an old-style car. The widow felt that she could not afford a new car, however, as she thought it would not be right to take the money from her little income when she and her daughters needed the money for the necessities of life. Now this lady was quite a church-goer, and she believed in the power of prayer, so she set out to systematically pray for a new car, without any particular thought as to make, design, or cost; all that she prayed for was the money to get the new car with. One morning, after the little girls had been dressed and sent off to school as usual, the widow wishing to make a few minor purchases up town, locked her doors very carefully, and left the house. A few hours later, when she returned home, she was dumfounded to see that while she had been gone the house had caught fire and burnt to the ground. Everything was well covered by insurance, so the loss was in reality her gain for the house was an old one, as well as its furnishings. The insurance money paid the widow more than built them a new house, and left enough to buy the desired car. This was in a way very fortunate for the widow for, as the little girls had their lives insured also, one cannot help but imagine what could possibly have happened were the house not insured, and the money came through life insurance instead. It is not a pleasant thought--but of course this is only a story. So it might be well for all of us to remember, that when we are asking for things it might behoove us to just be careful what we ask for, and how we ask for it. One can never know what the cost might be, or how things will come about, even though we do get the thing we desire. Besides, there is the law of compensation and equalization to deal with, perhaps we would do well to consider this also, for somehow, unless we are very careful to understand what we are doing, we will find that although the desire becomes manifest, that there might just happen to be a string attached to it, a string that we did not realize goes along with our desire perhaps. Often after getting our desire, we find that after all it was not what we wanted, that having realized our wish fulfilled we are in a worse fix than before. So many of us are eager to receive things, but not near as eager to pay for what we get; and when pay is mentioned--well, that is another matter. We do not stop usually to remember that all must be paid for some way, that only too often the payment is ten-fold--not so pleasant a thought is it? If we thought of this we might pause long and think much before pressing our demands too emphatically, as it puts a far different phase on matters when we know before hand that we are going to have to pay for all we get, and with a high rate of interest. And all this brings us to the realization that after all the longest way around is perhaps the shortest way home. The great obstacles that we find in our path are the things which we should attempt to overcome, and not seek to follow the lines of least resistance. It certainly does pay to look about us before we leap and jump at conclusions in too great a hurry, only to perhaps regret and be sorry for our error, when it is too late to turn back. And so in our AMORC studies, some of us are looking for a short cut, a sort of boiled down or condensed system or method. We desire to reach conclusions before we are at all prepared to meet them, and we grope about seeking to find the lines of least opposition, when there are none, never were any, and never will, or can be any. The real, absolute truth is that no quick, easy way is available by which we may grasp the studies, for there are no trick trap doors, greased skids, or smooth slides, or means whereby anyone might sneak in, rush ahead, or "fall in clover," as it were. Throughout this transition, or passage through life, we are constantly coming in contact with those who are wasting valuable time, fruitlessly expending their energy, as they frantically, desperately, and so often stubbornly persist in their endeavors to find, compel, or create short cuts, high speed methods, and lightning-like systems, in order to attain their selfish desires; wasting their lives looking for an easy way out, or convenient loop holes--where there are none. The sooner that we realize that we must expect to labor, study, practice, and exercise, in order that we may exemplify, in a concrete, rational, and sane manner, the true Rosicrucian teachings, just that much sooner are we going to accomplish something well worth the while. It is only then that we shall be getting some place upon the pathway. No--this is not an easy thing to do, for it so happens that we Neophytes must learn, we must understand, and we must know, and not until we do can we so much as even dare to hope, for we must appreciate the one great fact before us, that we are doing wonderful things, and working in harmonious, synchronous attunement with tremendous forces and unlimited powers. He who pulls the switch and releases a vast amount of powerful electricity to supply one of our cities with millions of lights and thousands of horse power of energy, he who generates high pressures of steam, or he who handles other elements of mighty force and harnessed power, must need be a well-trained man, otherwise the lives and property of the public are in danger every moment. The captains of the great, immense ocean liners, which are leaving our sea ports every day, must be trained men, as human lives depend upon their knowledge and their understanding of thousands of little details all about them. The locomotive engineer, the man whose hand is the one that controls the train that rushes at maddening speed across the land, over high mountains, down steep grades, around sharp curves, into blind cuts, and through dark tunnels, must also be a well-trained man. The aviator, who carries the mails through storm clouds high above the earth, or through fog banks, blindly, and assisted by nothing more than compass or other instruments, must surely be a trained man. Still, all these things are as a mere nothing in comparison with the tremendousness of the psychic powers, within just one single individual. It would then appear, certainly, that if such simple, material demonstrations, under the control of the hand of man, would be such as to require such careful, caretaking preparation and apprenticeship, then how much more study, apprenticeship and care it should require to fit anyone to enable he or she to handle a power, a force, that is millions of times more potential, more compelling, and of far greater magnitude than anything in the physical world about us, in this day and age, that has been created by the hand of man. It is the trained mind, the wise mind, the educated mind, the student mind, for we never cease to learn, that eventually is the master mind. We can see and understand how we must study, learn, know, and comprehend if we are to accomplish things we desire at all, and how we must practice the AMORC teachings, living them every day and applying them in our daily life and conduct; thereby reflecting not only credit upon ourselves, but a reverence and respect for the organization, of which we should be proud to be a member, as along the path we go, ever striving for the goal, in Peace Profound. | ||
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