[From The Mystic Triangle May 1927]
We wish to call the attention of our members to the fact that it is possible
for them to get some very interesting reading matter and some helpful
information in regard to our Order.
The Occult Digest, published in Chicago, and
sold on the news stands or through book stores throughout the country, has in
its April, 1927, issue the first installment of an article called "The
Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, the Secret Hand of the Rosicrucians in
the United States."
This is a complete story in two installments of the first Rosicrucians who came
to America in 1694 and the
wonderful work they did for America
in the establishment of the American institutions and of the AMORC. The article
was written by Mr. O. A. Seaver, a newspaper feature writer who investigated
the Order in Tampa
and whose story has been published in a number of American newspapers. The
second installment will appear in the May issue of the Occult Digest and our
readers should have these installments of this magazine to show their friends
and others who may ask about the AMORC and its unique standing in America as well
as throughout the world.
So we recommend that our members buy these two issues of the Occult Digest,
which sell for 25c per copy. Remittance can be sent direct to the Occult
Digest, 1904 North Clarke Street,
Chicago, Illinois,
for these two copies of the magazine. You may find the April issue still on the
news stand in your locality, but if you do not you can be sure of getting both
issues by writing to the publishing company.
The Occult Digest proposes to run a number of important articles on
Rosicrucians. It is now about to publish, in serial form, a very old and
intensely interesting book written by Franz Hartmann, M. D., entitled "In
the Pronaos of the Temple."
This is one of his great Rosicrucian books and it is difficult to buy. So we
recommend that our members subscribe to the Occult Digest and secure the
installments of this story and of the other Rosicrucian stories and articles
which they will publish during the coming year. By subscribing at the present
time and sending the special subscription price of $2.50, (given to our members
exclusively) for one year, and asking them to begin your subscription with the
issue for April, 1927, you will secure the two copies containing the story of
the Order in addition to the articles which are to appear later. On the other
hand, if you do not wish to subscribe for a year by all means send the fifty cents
and get the April and May issues and preserve those two copies with the story
of our Order in them to show to your friends and others, because you will be
proud of what the Rosicrucians have done in America and are still doing.
When you write to the Occult Digest be sure to say you are a member of AMORC
and that you wrote at our suggestion and are therefore entitled to special
Webmaster's Note: "In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom"
by Franz Hartmann is on-line here (external link).