Rosicrucian Writings Online

Thoughts, Words, Acts

By Puritia
[From The Rosicrucian Digest October 1929]
WHEN GOD created man He made him after His own image, and bestowed upon him, among other gifts, the creative power of mind, with thought. After consciousness, its prime factor, it is the source, wonderfully varied and abundant, inexhaustible, where he can gather the elements of all joys, of happiness, high ideals, but also the principles of hatred and evil, of all suffering and utter misery.
It is the most wonderful tool man may ever dispose of which permits him to combine perfect works of art, using the subtle and delicate shades of color and light, entrancing sounds, to imitate the most glorious creations of God; and also enable him to guide the searchlight of science unto the Path of knowledge and evolution. We should learn to use it with care, to make it the instrument for durable works, and not let it rust in misuse, wasting time in futile and frivolous dreamings.
Thus we can follow the impulse of our imagination, of our ego, use this creative faculty and either open to mankind Pandora's box, or bring into life the loving gifts of the gods, under the form of joy, happiness, artistic productions, new ideals.
In our study of life we may observe indeed that our thoughts, considered as original causes, are manifold in effects. Their influence is manifested upon others, upon ourselves; they bring after them their logical sequence, our acts and if we take care to meditate upon, and analyze the succession of the apparently casual facts of every-day life, we may easily follow the chain between cause and effect; this study is never useless but on the contrary fruitful in teachings.
The concepts which come to our mind might be roughly classified in three categories; those indifferent, without importance, as aimless as a leaf in the wind, which knock one instant, by chance, at the door of our mind and go flitting without leaving any trace; those unpleasant; and those gratifying that are received as welcome guests; some cannot be put exactly in one or the other of these groups but the object of this article is partly to deal with the last kind, on account of their consequences.
Pleasure and pain are the gifts of nature to humanity, and they are the surest incentives to foster life in its perpetual motion and change. The evil forces have made of pleasure, in some instances, a snare where delusion leads away our objective senses and imagination; and undoubtedly a pleasing thought, either by its quality of strength or any other reason, be it a delusion of our objective mind or not, tends more to reproduce itself or attract thoughts of the same kind, be it of a constructive nature or a destructive one; this tendency creates in us the habit of thinking with all its consequences, and we are thus preparing little by little, today, what we will be in the future.
Have you ever stopped to meditate upon this habit of thinking and its consequences? We may not notice it during the period of formation, but some day we find that our liberty of volition is held prisoner fettered in the steel net we have been weaving unconsciously, and we realize that we are chained by a hundred links, more strongly and irremedially than the fly in the spider's web. If the thought has been constructive it is all right because we will thus have been building more strength of character, which will uphold us, later on, in the battle of life; but if it is destructive we may have to bear dire consequences; and as humankind is always comprised of unexpected and apparently inexplicable misfortune, we may wonder some day, either now, or later, or even in another incarnation upon the Karma of unhappiness our forgotten thoughtlessness has accumulated upon us.
If our thoughts are pure and good, they are redounding to our benefit, amongst other reasons, by the beneficial influence they have or will have upon our fellowmen, their way of thinking, their actions. So that our concepts may have an influence upon our Karma, they may also have the greatest weight upon the Karma of others. By their subtle essence they are radiating and influencing their minds, even before our fellowmen may have realized objectively our acts.
We all know of examples of this radiation of thought and most of us have had experiences of it in the family, or with friends with whom we are in daily contact; we are thinking of something and even before we have given to it the form of speech, our parent or friend answers, and thus shows that his mind in silent state of receptivity has been impressed by the thought vibration we have emitted. We may ignore what kind of impulse we have been transmitting and what will be the results, but we may be certain that good will bring forth good, and that the fruit of evil will ripen into a harvest of unhappiness; that our act has existed and nothing, not even God, may blot it out of the book of life; how many misfortunes might be avoided if we pondered more upon the consequences of our way of thinking.
Nearly always there is some other human being near us, ready to receive the impulsion our example is giving either toward the ascending path to evolution, or in the descending way, more often in the last as it is so much easier to let go than to make the effort to fight and rise. The minds of those with whom we are in contact are mirrors always prepared to reflect or to reproduce our own attitude in life. So our responsibility is great, though we never think enough of the real importance of whatever we do, or say, when by this, our carelessness or indifference for the results of our acts, we give the last impulsion toward the blamable act which another being will inscribe as a new debt to his Karma.
Thoughts have a very complex origin, they come from various sources, either through the subjective mind, from the universal storehouse of memory, in a combination of former concepts or as products of our imagination; or from outside, through the intermediary of any of the objective senses. But the question of the origin of thought is too deep and divers to be treated here the object of this being limited to the purpose of warning you against letting your senses open the door of your mind indiscriminately, permitting all impressions to put their mark upon you. An alert sentinel must be put at the entrance of the inner sanctuary where the alchemical work of Thought is made. Your consciousness must always be ready to analyze and accept or reject the new comers; concepts. Imagination, as a creative power, receiving inspiration from the Cosmic Mind, may lead us to the most sublime ideals and conceptions, but when it bases its aspirations solely upon the memories of past incarnations, or experiences of the present life, just as it may help us in our evolution, it may as easily deceive us, because our realization of things or facts is not always the exact expression of actuality, in the final interpretation which gives birth to our sentiments or sensations. Many factors interfere in our apprehension of things and the impressions they make or leave upon our mind, as the student of the Third Grade will know; and a wrong understanding or realization may possibly result in many subsequent errors.
Words and deeds, the offspring of thought, have also the power to heal or to wound; a few sympathetic words, coming from a Soul inspired by divine love, are the sweetest balm and act upon the suffering mind in the same way a tonic acts upon the physical body; but unkind words may just as well inflict durable wounds or kill.
Therefore, be watchful of your thoughts, words and acts!

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