Rosicrucian Writings Online

Am I Human?

By Frater Lee Miller
[From The Rosicrucian Digest January 1930]
BECAUSE there is in the study of Rosicrucianism a constant uplift in the mind, soul, and mental outlook on life, Rosicrucians are sometimes looked upon by those who do not understand, as being somewhat different from people about them. Perhaps the study is inclined to appeal to only those who wish to rebuild within themselves an understanding of life and life's mysteries, and not to those who seek only to rise to fame and power by subduing their fellowmen. But this does not for a moment indicate that a true Rosicrucian is not human, in fact, he is the most human of all, because of his clearer understanding of the strong points and weaknesses of his fellow men.
Recently, while in conversation with a brother Rosicrucian, I was deeply impressed with the personal philosophy that he has constructed for himself, and because it is so human in its structure, I will try to tell you about it just as it was told to me. We will call this man brother John, not because that is his real name, but because it is so common and represents so many more people than probably any other name.
"Well," said brother John, "I try to look upon my brothers and sisters with the thought always in mind that within them is something much like myself, and if not just like I am now, surely just like I have been or will be. This gives me an understanding heart, and I am viewing their problems from their view point. When others express their ideas on subjects of common interest, I immediately learn to judge the right and wrong from their point of vision as well as my own. When they tell me of their troubles, I certainly can sympathize with them because I have had so many similar troubles, and have been placed in the same predicaments. If they believe they are victims of fate, I can talk with them on common ground because I, too, have labored under this faulty belief in the past. If they think they have been wronged by others, and seek revenge, I can look upon them with compassion, knowing the torment a revengeful attitude brings to the mind of man, and when the heat of anger has somewhat cooled, I can point out with a few soft words the foolishness of seeking to "get even" by inflicting some injury in return for some real or imagined wrong. And if my brother has been tempted to take that which belongs to others and has yielded, I also can understand because in the past, I have suffered the pain of a condemning conscience for stealing from others that with which I was entrusted. And if my brother has been overcome by the strong emotions of passionate love, and has committed certain acts for which after he felt sorrow, my heart goes out to him because I have been through the same experiences and know the strength of argument that seems to be used by the animal nature in man and how difficult it is to refrain from answering the call of the lower passions.
"Knowing these things from actual experience in times past, builds within me tolerance for the same things in others. Not that I seek to uphold them, no, far from it, but understanding them as I do, I can talk with them on the most common ground, loosing my reasoning on a firm foundation of mutual understanding and thus seek to help others along the Path that I have trod. Not for a moment do I believe I have reached perfection, because I know that if I had reached that state I would not be here, and I know that I may even do again in times of test and trials some of the things that I say are wrong for others to do, but I do know that if I strive to assist others that I will build for myself a better "code of life" as a criterion for my future actions. I want to be human, to be fair, to be tolerant, and compassionate, perfecting myself by perfecting ever so little the lives of those about me. And if I am called upon to sink to the very depths, in order to assist a brother or sister, I pray that I will be ready to perform this service, knowing that the great God does not always judge us by our thoughts and actions but by our motive.
"Yes, I crave for Soul power and development, and I am enthusiastic in my desire to reach the goal of perfection, but I want my fellow man to be with me, to rejoice with me, and share in God's blessings, because I am told there are plenty of blessings for all of us.
"All this has brought me to a very important point of my story; it is this: Use the knowledge that you receive from your Rosicrucian teachings to build your philosophy, and build it in such a way that those about you can see the practical value of the Rosicrucian teachings, and in doing so, you bring into the Order those who will in turn build their philosophies and thus an endless chain of practical workers are enlisted in the ranks of those who are lifting the consciousness of the world to a higher plane."
Thus ended my talk with Brother John, or rather I should say his talk, for I could say nothing. I bid him goodnight and slowly walked to my home, and there and then, I vowed and declared that I would endeavor to build for myself a personal philosophy that was truly human. And I gave thanks to the Cosmic for having brought me into contact with a brother who could help me so much in such a short period of time. Yes, I gave thanks that he was human, just as I myself am.

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