Rosicrucian Writings Online

A Child Sees Angels

 [From The Rosicrucian Digest January 1963]
WITH ALL THE DEVOTION of an eight-year-old, I loved my cousin Myrtle, who lived about a quarter of a mile away, and was critically ill. My mother went to stay there two or three nights a week. I missed her when she was away, and many times I would tiptoe into the hallway, cup my hands against the glass door and watch for her return.
One night, I woke to the sound of soft sweet music coming nearer, and I became conscious of the room's lighting up.
Running to the door and pressing my face tightly to its glass, I looked out on a mystic valley lighted by many colors. I watched and listened as music and light came over the house, completely enveloping it. Then two angel children appeared.
They moved like a summer's breeze, not hurriedly nor slowly but without hesitation, straight to my cousin's house. There they seemed to hover like a bright cloud before sunrise. At last, they turned back towards me, and between them was my cousin Myrtle.
To describe anything so lovely is not possible; shimmering wings, sheer soft robes of mingled colors--all in an oval of transparent light.
They passed above me and slowly ascended. When the music and light disappeared, I crept back into bed and went quickly to sleep.
In the morning, I was told that Myrtle had died in the night; but I knew that she was not dead. She was surely an angel, for I had seen her in their company.

M. E. B.

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