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Interesting Notes For Members[From The Mystic Triangle September 1925]* * * The foregoing reminds us, also, of our promises to render help and service to humanity. The Amorc is NOT conducting a school or college of philosophy merely to educate its members. Our most important work is to prepare workers for the field of humanitarian service. Service is often helped by explaining some principles to those we are trying to help, just as a physician will explain to his patient how some of the methods he is applying will operate. But, he does not attempt to give his patient a brief course in medicine with each treatment, and neither should our members attempt to explain all they know or understand. * * * And, this also reminds us of what one of our oldest members said at one of the national conventions. He said he had been in the Order for three years and had not found any secret in it that would make the Amorc a "secret order." Such things as were mysteries to him before he joined the Order were mysteries no longer; and those things which others call secrets he found applicable in helping others. Hence there was nothing secret about our work. And this is true. We do not want to be classified with other organizations which keep all their actions, all their purposes, all their knowledge, secret to members. The Rosicrucians always worked in the open. They have nothing to hide, nothing that every man, woman and child cannot have, just as every man and woman may have the instruction offered by colleges and universities, provided that certain conditions and obligations are complied with. * * * The correspondence at headquarters reveals that one of the most interesting subjects in our whole course is that relating to vibrations, their laws and manifestations. It is to be noted that many special courses of study and books have been issued in recent years pertaining to vibrations, but those who have spent years in studying the subject state that the Amorc teachings present the fundamentals and the various laws in a more understandable and satisfactory way than any other. We know that what we have in our lectures has been far in advance of what science is teaching. Only recently science has presented certain postulations about the vibrations in the world which try to make plain facts that have been covered in our lectures for several years. As soon as we are ready to do so, we intend to greatly augment our lectures pertaining to vibrations. * * * Those members who have been taking the National Lodge course of study at home have the most uniform results in their work. Take the First Grade Initiation which they perform at home. The results of such initiation, as reported in their first weekly reports, are so uniform that after reading one hundred such reports from persons of all ages, all walks of life and all professions, including lawyers, doctors and clergymen, one cannot help marveling at the consistency of the Cosmic laws and the uniformity of demonstration. The laws of chemistry or physics could not work with greater regularity! This is because of the very graded steps we have arranged in all the experiments of our work. It has resulted in a sureness of results never before attained in work along psychic or metaphysical lines. * * * The foregoing paragraph reminds us of another point. It seems, from a review of the processes and systems used by other metaphysical or occult organizations in the past that the belief was common that system, law and order were not essential elements in the application or demonstration of psychic principles. To the casual reader and student it might appear that the miracles recorded in the Bible were performed by the Master by sudden inspiration and without regard to time, place, conditions or a knowledge of the laws. Such was not the case, for we know from what the Master said that He did have a profound knowledge and warned His Disciples that only by attaining a degree of power could they hope to do the things He demonstrated. Just because spiritual and psychic laws pertain to an immaterial realm in some things and are more subtle in all operations is no reason for believing that indifferent understanding, superficial knowledge and casual practice will permit anyone to apply the laws at any given time. The lessons and graded experiments of Amorc were purposely arranged to gradually bring understanding and mastership. * * * Those of our members who subscribed to The Mystic Triangle for four months beginning with the June issue will please note that this issue now in their hands, dated September, concludes their four months' subscription and that it should be renewed for another four months at once if they do not wish to miss any copies. Just send one dollar direct to The Mystic Triangle, 843 Octavia Street, San Francisco, and say: "Send me four successive Triangles beginning with the October issue." Be sure to sign your name and address clearly. * * * --And, speaking of writing clearly prompts us to ask again that our members and correspondents make their letters very definite. If you are writing for some magazines, books, paper or whatnot, please state your wish on the first few lines of your letter,--then make your explanations in later paragraphs. If you are enclosing money for dues, magazine subscription or other things, please state on the first two lines of your letter that you are "enclosing $ ... for .............." The mail at headquarters has become so heavy that unless one clerk can open the letters and quickly discover to which department or branch of the work the letter belongs, there will be delay in answering your letter. Those letters which plainly indicate on the first two lines the nature of the communication receive immediate attention. The others must wait until the various officers can read through the long letters and discover their nature. Save your time and ours by following this suggestion. * * * Speaking of letters reminds us also of the fact that at the request of many of our members we have had printed some private stationery for members to use. It is in the form of a double sheet of good, light blue, bond paper, with our Amorc emblem printed in bronze blue in the corner. It makes a very fine appearance and is an excellent paper for members to use in writing to friends or acquaintances if they wish to let them know they belong to the Rosicrucian Order. This is an excellent way to interest others and help yourself and others. The paper can be purchased at cost price from the Amorc Supply Bureau, 843 Octavia Street, San Francisco, California, at the rate of one hundred double sheets for seventy-five cents or two hundred double sheets for one dollar and forty-five cents, postage prepaid. The paper, when folded, will fit any standard sized envelope. * * * The book "Unto Thee I Grant" is certainly arousing the interest and admiration of members and readers. We have seen many letters praising the book and our members refer to the book in the highest terms in their correspondence. * * * At a luncheon the other day, one of our members, who is at the head of a very large business, was speaking of the failure of those firms which have gone into business through the desire or intention of injuring others. He spoke of a number of instances known to him, such as a son going into business in opposition to his father solely because of spite, and a firm that put over five millions of dollars into a business to spite another firm and settle a personal grudge. It is needless to say that with or without ample capital, and with or without a good product, any business proposition will fail sooner or later if the motive back of the whole scheme is to injure someone else. It has been demonstrated so often in the business world that financiers are unwilling to encourage a business proposition that has spite or revenge mixed with its motive. We are reminded of the man who built a very large fence between his house and his neighbor's so that the neighbor might not see and enjoy the large bed of flowers in the yard. But he built the fence so high that it cut off the sunlight and his flowers died and the seeds in the neighbor's yard grew into beautiful bloom, etc., etc. It is the same old story. It works out in the cold, material world just as it does in the heart. * * * Many of our members are interested in radio and read much about the new circuits and new sets. Perhaps a few words from us, based upon our laboratory experiences covering many years, will be interesting. At least they are unbiased, for we have nothing in the radio line to sell. Of all the latest circuits and sets the most reliable set to build or buy is that called the Neutrodyne, using five tubes (with wet batteries, not dry batteries). Superheterodynes of all kinds are offered and described in the magazines and newspapers. Do not attempt to build one of these unless you have built many sets, regardless of how simple the instructions are and how nice the "kits" of parts may look. And, do not buy a Superheterodyne of any make but the very best at the very highest price or you will be throwing your money away; and then buy it direct from a responsible dealer or firm who will give you "service" in looking after it for the first six months. On the other hand, even a medium priced Neutrodyne will give you fine service, does not get out of order easily, and costs far less. * * * We have just received a letter from a man in California who received some of our literature. He became interested, though he had never heard of our Order before. He says that before sending in his application he spent a Sunday visiting San Francisco and called upon the officers and members of another fraternal order here inquiring about us. He said he heard so many complimentary remarks and so much endorsement that he had no doubt about our good work and intentions. If he had called upon us we could have given him the names of officers in practically every fraternal organization in this city who are enthusiastic members of the Amorc. We are happy that this is so. It takes time for an organization to become known so generally, but it is so known today. * * * Have you read the story of the Brother who went to Europe hunting the Rosicrucian Lodges there? We printed this story in order to show our members how difficult it is to locate the meeting places of secret or private organizations in Europe even today. The outward publicity and frank statements made by the Amorc in this country as to where we meet, when we meet and who we are is very different from the condition imposed upon such organizations in Europe by law. And, even so, there are some who say that we appear to be too secretive because we do not publish all our work, tell every little fact about ourselves and give the names and addresses of every one of our officers and members. This magazine, for instance, contains the names and addresses of our Divisional Secretaries. In none of the foreign Rosicrucian publications that we have seen, has such a list been published. * * * Are you aware of the fact that another brotherhood organization of international scope, having its headquarters in California, will not accept applicants into their groups if such applicants belong to Amorc? But, they will sell to such applicants all their books and offer to do so. It does seem strange. And, should you join the inner circle of this organization, known as the "E. S." part of their work, you must resign from Amorc. How is that for tolerance? Amorc does not concern itself whether an applicant belongs to another organization so long as it is good. But of all the philosophical organizations in this country there is only one which takes this stand against the Amorc. Of course there is a reason, and that reason has been discovered by so many in the other organization that they have resigned and united with Amorc. It is another example of building a fence between two yards, etc. * * * Here is something else to think about. The Amorc passed its tenth birthday last spring. In the whole ten years that Amorc in the United States has been operative under the modern regime, it has not had one single attack upon its principles, its work, its teachings or its ideals. It has never been accused of having any sex principles or teachings that father, mother and child would be ashamed to face in unison; it has never taken up any of the sex matters in any form, has never indulged in any orgies, and its officers, from the chief executive to the least of its branch officers, have never been charged with immoral, questionable or unfair practices or habits. We say this because there is a very common opinion that when any organization goes into the arcane subjects of life, it must deal with and teach those things which are usually spoken about only in the privacy of one's home or often left unspoken or unthought of. The Rosicrucians never deal with the unconventional affairs of life and never cater to the unclean or unbalanced mind. Not one of our members has ever found in any typewritten or spoken lectures of our Order a single phrase or thought that was not clean and wholesome enough to be discussed before children at the dinner table; nor has anyone ever found a single idea in our teachings that was antagonistic to the high ideals of the State, the Church or the social standards of this or any other country. Every Amorc member is pledged to be a good citizen of his country as a first duty, a Good Samaritan secondly as his Rosicrucian duty, and a clean, constructive thinker all the time. * * * Yes, we are ten years old now in our present reincarnation of the Order, and we have today more members active in the work than some of the largest organizations in America had when they were thirty or forty years old. Our increase of members now each month is more than that of the whole first year. Predictions that the Amorc could not survive the materialism of America, that it could not continue against the many odds of the black forces, and that it would fail because of many reasons, have all fallen down and the Amorc goes on and on with increasing power and winning to its ranks even those who were unfriendly to it in the days gone by. In fact we are happy in the fact that practically all of those who caused us such turbulent times in our first days of organization, have withdrawn their objections and have become active boosters. Never have we retaliated in any attack, never have we gone to the courts of man-made laws to seek adjustment or protection and never have we returned anything but kindness for every hurt. It was through such idealism, practically applied, that we have won the fruits of the first decade. Never have we made any attacks on other organizations in our official papers and every criticism has been accompanied by good wishes and help. Those of you who have been with us for years know how true this is and what it has meant. We have no personal enemies,--not one that we would not gladly shake hands with and say that all is forgotten. We know of no enemy who has earned our displeasure or unkind words. That is the Rosicrucian spirit. * * * A member writes us that she wants to know if we will prohibit her from uniting with the organization to which we referred a few moments ago,--the one which forbids their members uniting with us. She says that she is quite satisfied with our work and teachings but wants to prepare herself, as she has been told she must do, for the coming of a great world master. We say to her and to all, that so far as we are concerned we have no objections to any of our members uniting with any other good society, and the one she refers to has some excellent teachings and does very good work in behalf of universal brotherhood. But, this preparing oneself for the coming of a world master is an old and worn out proposition. Look back through the mystical literature issued during the past fifty years and in it you will find that about every three years some great world master is on his way from the Orient, coming to America to save America and redeem mankind from all its sins and ignorance. Not one of them has ever succeeded in becoming a world master. Not one of them has ever shown himself to be other than a teacher representing some organization, carrying on propaganda work in behalf of the organization and increasing the sale of books. When the world needs a great Redeemer, He will come not through any organization and He will not be heralded as belonging to only one school of thought; nor will He limit His saving grace for those who are within a certain circle, The Amorc throughout the world has never had a "world master" as one of its inducements and knows of no one living at the present time who is entitled to this Divine Name. The greatest Redeemer of Men lives within your own soul; He is intimately acquainted with you and your needs and will prepare you for His Message of Salvation any moment you are ready to sit down and listen to the still, small voice that tries to speak to you hourly and daily. | ||
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