Rosicrucian Writings Online

Book Reviews

[From The American Rosae Crucis February 1916]
INDUSTRIAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Universal and Self-Sustaining, by S. H. Comings, Second Edition. Boston: Christopher Publishing House.
This book is an earnest appeal for reform in our educational system. It is an appeal for practical education. It is an appeal coming from a source with practical demonstration as argument and love of your neighbor as an ideal. The keynote of this able work is that the receptivity of the brain of the child must be followed or accompanied by a corresponding activity of the hand; that labor and service is a blessing, not a curse as theology has taught, and that the "fashion of useless idleness" is an actual disgrace and danger to the growing generation. "If our present school system does not teach the 'worker to think' and the 'thinker to work,' it is time that we as a nation establish a complete system of free, self-supporting industrial schools and colleges in every part of the country."
The book is timely and we recommend it to our readers. Education must be spiritual, mental, moral, and scientific--a squared whole; and unless the structure of man is built on these cornerstones, his temple will fall and be buried by the sand of time.
The book will be sent to any address on receipt of $1.25.

THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF GIORDANO BRUNO, poet, philosopher, martyr (1548-1600). An humble offering to a noble soul, by Coulson Turnbull. Price, leather, $1.25; cloth, $1.00. The Gnostic Press, Box 596, San Diego, Cal.
Giordano Bruno, the wandering Italian philosopher, has rightfully earned his place in history beside Socrates and Savonarola, and we recommend this book to those who are interested in "the ever new and never old religion, that of spiritual insight." The volume is well written, giving a history of this sterling philosopher's life and a short resumé of his teachings.
The book will be sent to any address on receipt of the price.
Webmaster's Notes:
1. "Industrial and Vocational Education" by S. H. Comings may be downloaded from here (external link).
2. "The Life and Teachings of Giordano Bruno" by Coulson Turnbull may be downloaded from here (external link).

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