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Book Review[From The American Rosae Crucis January 1917]FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS, by Henry Churchill King. The MacMillan Company, "The truth is that we have been very slow in coming to recognize in religion--what has been long recognized in philosophy and social theory--what a true unity is; that unity should be indeed organic, though in a different sense from that often meant; and that true organic unity presupposes differences, not uniformity. Uniformity gives only a sandheap of identical atoms, but no true unity. Paul's epoch-making figure of the body of Christ with many different members and many different offices must not be allowed to slip from our minds. We cannot get this higher unity of an organic body without different members and different functions. These very differences are necessary if the parts of the body are to be members one of another, and are to be bound together into the more significant unity of the whole organic body. Paul's figure of the organism, thus, that became so influential later in philosophic, ethical and social thinking, thinks of a true unity, but nowhere of uniformity." The author faces squarely the paramount question of the churches--Unity. We are moving in leaps and bounds toward this ideal and it is pleasing to see that both press and pulpit recognize this fact and try to meet the demand. --------- STEPS IN HUMAN PROGRESS, by Christian D. Larson, published by Edward J. Clode, Among the New Thought writers Christian D. Larson is the most logical and constructive it has been our pleasure to read. In this volume Mr. Larson holds out a helping hand to those who desire to achieve the very best in life. He gives an exposition of the means whereby humanity is climbing to higher things--the Self, the Truth, the Spirit. Although we personally, and as Rosaecrucians, demand more than abstract theories, we must admit that this book is helpful, because it calls into play and activity latent forces for good. It is a pleasure to recommend this book, because of its simple and direct style. --------- "HOW I KNOW THAT THE DEAD ARE ALIVE," by Fannie Ruthven Paget, published by the Plenty Publishing Co., 33d and Western Ave., Washington, D. C. Price $1.60 postpaid. This book contains a series of psychic experiences of unusual interest. It is in nature very much like Patience Worth, although it goes further into the psychic demonstrations. It seems to us that the title of the book should have been: "Why I believe in Spirit return," because the book is solely devoted to an exposition of spiritualistic phenomena. As a whole this book will be found interesting by those who are anxious and eager to accept a belief in the supernatural and do not care to go further into the causes underlying psychic phenomena. --------- "THE DIVINE ART OF LIVING," by Kathleen M. H. Besly. Published by Rand McNally & Co., A small little book of 98 pages but full of helpful thoughts and practical advice. The keynote of the book is that right thinking is a necessity in order to produce right living. It is pleasingly written in an easy and simple style, and breathes an atmosphere of human sympathy. --------------------------- Webmaster's Note: The books reviewed are available online (external links):
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