Rosicrucian Writings Online


By The Supreme Secretary
[Ralph M. Lewis]
[From The Mystic Triangle May 1929]
THE EDITOR of "The Mystic Triangle" has received several requests that we endeavor to answer the following question in the monthly article on "Idiosyncrasies": "Why does not the personality enter the body in its first incarnation in a perfect state?" Upon first consideration of this question, it would seem quite stupendous, perhaps beyond the realm of a logical answer; however, as we proceed in an analytical manner, using our Rosicrucian principles as a standard, the question becomes quite simple and almost seems to answer itself.
First, just what do we mean when we say the personality is in a perfect state? What does a Rosicrucian consider a perfect state of the personality? We have shown, in our discussion last month, in this column, that the personality is not the soul, but is an attribute of it. It is something added to the soul that enters the body at birth with the soul. It is that consciousness which causes you to have a realization that you are YOU. It is that something that makes you an individual, that distinguishes you from everyone else. It has also been pointed out that when this personality enters a body on this plane for its first incarnation, it is crude, coarse, even profane. I do not mean that it is not cultured or that it lacks what we call ethics or social training. Those things are applicable to the outer man; they are superficial, man-made formalities. By coarseness I mean the failure to appreciate the beautiful things of life; the failure to aspire to the finer and more spiritual things. The coarseness of a personality is not of an outer nature, but an inner nature. We can begin now to see that the personality in its first incarnation is so crude and primitive that it acts as a complete veil around man's soul. It keeps the Cosmic Divine light or God's consciousness from penetrating through.
After a process of reasoning, therefore, it would appear proper to say that a personality that is highly or completely perfected would be just the opposite of the one explained above. It would be one that is in perfect harmony with the soul. In other words, personality in a perfect state is that one which would LET the Divine knowledge of the soul flow through man's outer consciousness. One whose personality is in a perfect state would have what is known as Cosmic consciousness, and at all times would listen to the dictates of his soul; and his personality would be crystal clear, permitting Divinity to flow through him in such a manner that he would radiate this great power wherever he went. All of the great masters of the past, yea, even the present, are an example of a perfect state of personality.
We now have, I believe, a fair comprehension of an unevolved personality and one that is in a perfect state; but we are back to our question, "Why does not the personality enter the body at first in the highly evolved state we have just discussed?" Have you ever thought why you have a personality; why you have a consciousness that causes you to realize your existence? It would seem perhaps more logical, at first consideration, not to have a personality. It would seem to our advantage to have God's consciousness or the soul force be the only consciousness in us; then we would be one large human family, following the soul force in us instinctively. We would not know ourselves nor would we be able to distinguish our identity from any other individual. As a group of human beings we would automatically do certain things in life without any knowledge of the motive for doing them. We would not even know of God, as we would have no other form of consciousness but that of God. The greatness of the soul in us would be lost to us. We know it takes a shadow to prove that there is sunlight; so does it take our personality, our subconscious mind, to cause us to know that there is a God, that there is such a thing as another force higher and mightier than ourselves. God's consciousness permeates us--we term it soul. But if that were all there was--just God's consciousness--you would not be able to appreciate it as you would have no other form of consciousness to contrast or compare it with.
Why do you appreciate the wonderful sunshine, the glory of the golden sun's rays? Because when it is dark, when it is night, you miss them. You are aware of the absence of the light; so it is with the personality. God gave you an ego, a personality, so that you could think and reason for yourself; so you could know of the darkness of life, of the negative side of things; so that you could compare your ways of doing things with the greatness of the works of God; and so that you could realize that you are a part of God's consciousness. If you had no way of knowing that you were YOU, that you were an individual, a living being, you would not then know of God. You would only be the result of God's immutable laws, merely a manifestation like the grass beneath your feet and the stars in the blue canopy above you. Mighty are you in the knowledge that you know you are of God. It is that which makes you the supreme work of Him. If at first your personality was perfectly evolved in all of its perfections, and God's knowledge in all of its grandeur permeated your outer mind and consciousness, you would have no standard of comparison. The greatness of God would even be common-place to you. You would accept it without a full appreciation of its vastness. True, you would be one with God, but not one with the universe, as you would not know of his other works unless you had a form of consciousness to comprehend the material plane and your outer self.
It is best that we start at the bottom in the cycle of evolution, in ignorance, to learn of God's manifestations and of our own physical self so that we gradually come to the realization of Him.
A little analogy might help us to understand this question. If you were to walk into a room that was brightly illuminated, and the electric bulbs were concealed, you would accept the fact that the room was well lighted, without being conscious of where the light came from, perhaps not even realizing that the room was illuminated; but when you see the electric fixtures and can see the manner in which the light is projected out into the room, you then realize what each little separate bulb is doing for the whole room, and you appreciate the light, itself. The personality in man causes him to realize just how different he is from another, and how little or how much of the great light of God he is radiating out into the world of men. We evolve the personality slowly, learning many lessons, so that when Cosmic consciousness finally illuminates us we are in a state of perfection, capable of appreciating and utilizing it by working in harmony with same.

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