Rosicrucian Writings Online

Creed of Peace

 [From The Rosicrucian Digest November 1949]
THE PEACE OF THE WORLD cannot be legislated. Neither are its real elements formed across conference tables, at which sit the dignitaries who represent the great powers. At this juncture of world affairs, too much stress is placed upon the mechanics of peace--namely, commerce, industry, geopolitics, immigration, and production--and too little upon the human equation.
It is the man in the street--the bootblack, the mechanic, and the clerk, for example--who fashions wars and peace. It is well enough to prate that war is a result of coalition of nations, or of selfish banking and political interests, but such, after all, are composed of men. In every city there are those who proudly boast that a certain wealthy industrialist, the mayor, or some dominant political figure was once the son of comparatively humble parents. In fact, parents the world over, where conditions permit, hope and dream that their offspring will aspire to and attain a position of affluence and respect in national and possibly international affairs. Therefore, how these sons later, as diplomats, heads of governments, and financiers, exert the powers they have acquired reflects the character and development of their simple beginnings--the influences of the man in the street. The true articles of peace are not drawn up in the marble halls of the courts and capitals of the nations of the world, but in the personal aspirations and conduct of the millions of little people. In their leaders, the people see symbolized their own noble or lamentable characters. Consequently, let us, daily and sincerely, each affirm as our Creed of Peace:
I am guilty of war when I proudly exercise my intelligence to the disadvantage of my fellow man.
I am guilty of war when I distort others' opinions, which differ from my own.
I am guilty of war when I show disregard for the rights and properties of others.
I am guilty of war when I covet what another has honestly acquired.
I am guilty of war when I seek to maintain my superiority of position, by depriving others of their opportunity to advancement.
I am guilty of war if I imagine my kin and myself to be a privileged people.
I am guilty of war if I believe a heritage entitles me to monopolize resources of nature.
I am guilty of war when I believe other people must think and live as I do.
I am guilty of war when I make success in life solely dependent upon power, fame, and riches.
I am guilty of war when I think the minds of people should be regulated by force, rather than by reason.
I am guilty of war when I believe the God I conceive is the one others must accept.
I am guilty of war when I think that a land of a man's birth must necessarily be the place of his livelihood.

--Reprinted from The Rosicrucian Forum

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